when a teacher judges a student based on a stereotype or prior knowledge of the students ability or attitude
Ray Rist 1970
In American kindergarten teachers use information about background and appearance.
Sorted them into tables, the best group were the tigers and the worst group was the clowns. They sat at the back
Howard Becker 1971
interviewed 60 Chicago high school teachers, and found they judged pupils on how they work, conduct and their appearance.
Middle class were ideal pupils
Dunne and Gazeley 2008
schools consistently produce working class underachievement and this is normalised.
Nothing was done for working class but the middle class had intervention
what is a self-fulfilling prophecy?
when a student internalises a label, takes on the identity for themselves and meets the expectation of the label
Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968)
Pygmalion in the classroom
created a warmer climate in the classroom for kids with expectations
taught more material to ones with higher expectations
response opportunity
feedback, they were positively reinforced if it was the correct
what is a subculture?
a group who share the mainstream values but also have additional agreed norms and values
what is differentiation?
Colin Lacey
process of teachers categorising pupils
What is polarisation?
Colin Lacey
where pupils are sorted into 2 opposite poles / groups
either high stream or low stream
what is high stream?
Middle class, pro school and in high sets
committed to school values and committed to learning
what is low stream?
working class, loss of self esteem as school streamed them
went against school rules and have an anti school subculture
What are the 4 subcultural responses?
Said by - Woods
what is an ingratiation response?
teachers pets
Middle class students
what is a ritualist response?
going through the motions of staying out of trouble
working and middle class
what is the retreatist response?
daydreaming and mucking about
middle class
what is the rebel response?
outright rejection of school rules
minority of working class students
What did John Furlong 1984 say?
most students are not committed to a particular subcultural response, they behave differently for different teachers and in different lessons, regardless of social class
Stephen Ball 1981
when beachside school abolished streaming the anti-school subculture started to disappear
teachers still labelled pupils
Middle class pupils were more often categorised as cooperative and able
class inequality continues even where streaming and subcultures dont
Hargreaves 1967 secondary modern
Boys were triple failures
they failed the 11+, were placed in low streams and were labelled as worthless
these pupils formed an anti school subculture which guaranteed educational failure
What is the educational triage?
Gillborn and Youdell
type of teacher labelling that can impact teaching and learning, setting and streaming and revision