copyreading and headline writing

Subdecks (3)

Cards (296)

  • Spell out - numbers one through nine
  • Spell out - numerals that start a sentence
  • Spell out - casual expressions
  • Use Arabic numerals - numbers 10 and up
  • Use Arabic numerals - when a year starts a sentence
  • Use Roman numerals - wars and popes
  • Use the accepted short name for a nation
  • City name should be capitalized.
  • Avoid abbreviations of academic degrees.
  • Use an apostrophe for bachelor's degree, master's, etc.
  • There is no apostrophe in Bachelor of Arts or Master of Science
  • Use abbreviations when identifying many names on first reference
  • Use abbreviations after a full name and set off with commas.
  • Always use Arabic figures for dates.
  • When a month is used with a specific date, abbreviate only Jan., Feb., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., and Dec.
  • Always use Arabic numerals for ages.
  • Hyphenate ages when used as an adjective
  • Do not hyphenate if the age is used as a noun.
  • Use figures for time except for noon and midnight.
  • Use a colon to separate the hour from the minutes.
  • O'clock is accepted, but a.m. and p.m. is preferred.
  • Apostrophe
    Plural nouns ending in s - add apostrophe
  • Apostrophe
    singular common nouns ending in s - add 's
  • Apostrophe
    Singular proper names ending in s - add an apostrophe
  • Apostrophe
    Singular proper names ending in s sounds such as x, ce, and z - add 's
  • Apostrophe
    Plurals of a single letter - add 's
  • Apostrophe
    Plurals of numbers or multiple letter combinations - add s
  • Colon
    Capitalize the first word after a colon - when it is a proper noun or at the start of a complete sentence
  • Comma
    Do not put a comma before the conjunction in a simple series. Do not use an oxford comma.
  • Comma
    Use a comma to set off a person's hometown and age.
  • Comma
    Use a comma to set off a person's hometown and age.
  • Dash (Em-dash)
    Use a a dash after a dateline
  • Dash (Em-dash)
    Use a dash for quotations in headlines.
  • Hyphen
    Use a hyphen for compound adjectives.
  • Hyphen
    Do not use a hyphen when the compound modifier is after the verb.
  • Parentheses
    Avoid using parentheses as much as possible.
  • Parentheses
    If the material is inside a sentence, place the period outside the parenthesis.
  • Parentheses
    If the parenthetical statement is a complete independent sentence, place the period inside the sentence.
  • Period
    Do not put a space between initials.
  • Quotation Marks
    Each persons words are placed in a separate paragraph.