Cards (22)

  • What does HAI stands for?
    Healthcare-Associated Infection
  • Healthcare-Associated Infection (HAI) is also known as what?
    Nosocomial or Hospital Infection
  • Healthcare-Associated Infection (HAI): Occurs in a patient during the process of care in a hospital or other healthcare facility.
  • TRUE or FALSE. HAI is present at the time of hospital admission.
  • HAI includes infections acquired in the hospital but appearing after discharge.
  • What is the mnemonics for remembering the 6 IMPACTS OF HAI?
    may LUMP siya For Real
  • What are the 6 Impacts of HAI?
    1. Long-term disability
    2. Unnecessary deaths
    3. More Serious Illness
    4. Prolonged hospital stay
    5. Financial implications on patients
    6. Reputation of the hospital
  • What tops the top 10 carriers of infectious agents?
  • What is the most common vehicle to transmit HAIs?
    Hand Transmission
  • What is one of the most important means of preventing the spread of HAIs?
    Hand Hygiene
  • Hand hygiene includes what?
    handwashing or hand rubbing
  • Handwashing depends on the degree of what?
  • 5 Moments of Hand Hygiene
    1. Before touching a patient
    2. Before clean/aseptic procedure
    3. After body fluid exposure risk
    4. After touching a patient
    5. After touching patient surrounding
  • What are the 2 methods of Hand Hygiene?
    Routine handwashing and Hand Antisepsis
  • Routine handwashing: uses plain soap and water
  • Routine handwashing: when hands are VISIBLY dirty
  • Routine handwashing is done after know exposure to what 3 spores?
    C. difficile, B. antacids, and infectious diarrhea
  • What is the most dormant form of bacteria?
  • Routine handwashing: before eating
  • Routine handwashing: after restroom
  • Hand antisepsis: Anti-microbial soap or alcohol-based sanitizer
  • In hand antisepsis, apply the sanitizer on the hands, and rub hands together for about 20 seconds or until the hands feel DRY.