Respiration and gas exchange- topic 4

Cards (11)

  • aerobic respiration equation- glucose+oxygen-carbon dixoide+water c6h12o6+6o2- 6co2+6h2o
  • Consequences of smoking, chest infections (chemicals paralyse the cilia leading to a build up of mucus and smokers cough) smoke irritates the bronchi causing bronchitis. Lung cancer (carcinogens) coronary heart disease (arteries that carry blood to the heart muscles are narrowed by plaque smoking increases formation of plaque)
  • Aerobic need oxygen anaerobic does not, aerobic has complete glucose breakdown anaerobic does not, aerobic end products carbon dioxide and water whereas anaerobic end products are Latic acid.
  • ATP provides energy for cells
  • Diffusion is a process in which transport is driven by a concentration gradient, gas molecules move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.
  • skin- salt and urea lungs- co2 and water vapour kidneys- water, salts and urea
  • Aveoli have a very large SA (increase efficiency of gas exchange more diffusion can take place) thin walls (increase rate of diffusion-short distance) capillaries good blood supply (maintains a high concentration gradient
  • Anaerobic respiration in plants and yeast glucose- ethanol+ carbon dioxide
  • Inspiration, external incostao muscles and diaphragm contract, rib cage moves up and out diaphragm flattens, this increase thorax volume, lung pressure decreases, this pulls air in, active process this requires energy
  • expiration, external intercostal muscles and diaphragm relax, rib cage moves down and in and diaphragm domes, this decrease thorax volume, lung pressure increase, this forces air out
  • Structure of thorax