Steps in Handwashing Technique

Cards (10)

  • How many steps are there in handwashing technique?
  • Step 1. Stand a FEW INCHES from the sink to avoid CONTAMINATION.
  • Step 2. Turn on the faucet and place your hands UNDER the running water.
  • Step 3. Use SOAP and work up a LATHER to ensure that hand surfaces are clean.
  • Step 4. Scrub for at least 15 SECONDS. Make sure to scrub all surfaces, especially BETWEEN FINGERS and KNUCKLES.
  • Step 5. Apply a little FRICTION and rub hands together for at least 15 SECONDS.
  • Step 6. Rinse the hands from the WRIST to the FINGERTIPS using a DOWNWARD motion.
  • Step 7. Dry hands using a clean PAPER TOWEL.
  • Using a reusable tower would promote what?
    spores and bacterial growth
  • Step 8. Use the PAPER TOWEL to close the faucet, except when the latter is foot or motion-activated.