Gloves: used during blood collection and handling of specimen
Gloves prevent contamination of hands and reduce the transmission of what?
Choose gloves that fit PROPERLY.
Clean hands BEFORE putting on glove
Try not to touch the OUTSIDE of the gloves as you put them on
What are the 3 classifications of gloves?
sterile and non-sterile, powdered and non-powdered, and latex and non-latex
Latex Allergy: Irritant contact dermatitis appearing 24-48 hours after exposure
Latex allergy can cause true immediate hypersensitivity that can cause difficulty in what?
Avoid POWDERED gloves to avoid latex allergy
Replace latex gloves with what?
nitrile or vinyl gloves
The wrist part of one glove is grasped by the OPPOSITE hand.
The glove is pulled INSIDE OUT and off the hand.
The recently removed glove must be placed in the GLOVED HAND. The fingers of the non-gloved hand are slipped under the WRIST of the remaining glove but make sure not to touch the EXTERIOR surface.
The second glove is pulled INSIDE OUT.
The gloves must be dropped in the proper RECEPTABLE.
Laboratory gown: To protect the clothing and skin of HCWs from contamination and prevent the transfer of microorganisms out of patient rooms.
Face shields and goggles: protects the eyes, nose and mouth from splashes or sprays of body fluid