rearrangement of cells in the developing organism to form the germ layers
process by which the region of the ectoderm that will become the nervous system involutes
gastrulation and neurulation
first, the cells that will become the mesoderm move to the inside of the embryo
will condense to form the notochord by 16-18 days post fertilization
next, the region of ectoderm overlaying the mesoderm (the neural plate) will involute to form the neural tube
what makes the neural plate the neural plate?
signals from the underlying mesoderm/notochord act on this region of tissue to specify it to be neurally fated and not epidermally fated like the rest of the ectoderm
gastrulation, and the formation of the mesoderm, is the single most important event in development
no gastrulation -> no mesoderm -> no notochord -> no molecular signals to support the formation of neural tissue
mammalian neurulation: primitive streak
groove along the midline where cells migrate through
mesodermal cells migrate in first -> condense to form the notochord inside along the midline
mammalian neurulation: neural plate
ectodermal cells that overlay the notochord; receive molecular signal to become neurally fated
involute to form neural tube
mammalian neurulation: neural crest
celsl at the very border between the neural plate and the rest of the ectoderm
break away from the ectoderm and neural tube
will eventually form many things including sensory/peripheral neurons and some glia
the formation of the neural tube has distinct migratory routes. each route will have the neural crest cells exposed to different chemical cues which will control the types of cells they differentiate into
mammalian neurulation: day 22
by day 22 post fertilization, the neural tube is closed and the neural crest cells have broken free
the neural tube will differentiate along the anterior/posterior axis and the dorsal/ventral axis
the dorsal portion of the neural tube is the roofplate and the ventral portion of the neural tube is the floorplate
different kinds of cells will form along the dorsal/ventral and anterior/posterior axes of the neural tube
the neural tube, which contains the majority of the cells that are permitted to become neural, is formed and closed by the end of the first month after fertilization
neural tube closes starting in the middle and extends to the anterior and posterior
anterior neuropore: at brain end; should close by day 26
posterior neuropore: at tail end; should close by day 28
failure to develop a brain
often a result of the anterior neuropore not closing
regions of skull and cervical spine fail to develop along with brain structures
anterior neural tube defect
brain bulges through sac like opening in the skull
anterior neural tube defect
almost always fatal
exposed brain and spinal cord
extremely incomplete closure of neural tube
spina bifida
incomplete closing of the backbone and membranes around the spinal cord
28th day of gestation (posterior neuropore)
most common location is the lower back, but can occur in the middle back or neck
spina bifida: myelomeningocele
most serious type of spina bifida
sac of fluid comes through an opening in the baby's back
part of the spinal cord and nerves are in the sac and are damaged
causes moderate to sever disabilities, such as problems affecting bathroom usage, loss of feeling in the person's legs/feet and not being able to move the legs
spina bifida: meningocele
sac of fluid comes through and opening in the baby's back, but the spinal cord is not in this sac
usually little or no nerve damage. can cause minor disabilities
spina bifida: occulta
mildest type of spina bifida
small gap in the spine but no opening or sac on the back
spinal cord and nerves are usually normal
the cells are multipotent
they are restricted in that they must become some type of neural cell, but they are still open to becoming any type of neural cell
early on, most are progenitors who will give rise to more progenitors, neurons and glia
expand the nervous system
as development progresses, their fates will become restricted
embryonic stem cells
taken from pre-gastrulas
can become any type of cell in the embryo
true stem cells
neural stem cells
restricted to becoming cells of the nervous system
not true stem cells because they are restricted
multipotent progenitors
cells that can give 'birth' to many different cell types
more accurate description of cells in the early neural tube
failure of the prosencephalon to develop into two hemispheres; sometimes the result of Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) defects
retinoic acid exposure
retinoic acid is anti-anterior/anti-brain; too much retinoic acid during the wrong part of development can lead to loss of forebrain structures
progenitors keep dividing after they should stop; leads to uncontrolled granule cell proliferation; often a result of a Shh defect