Cards (127)

  • The primary function of Microbiology is to investigate infection from the specimens collected from patients.
  • Diseases are any abnormal phenomenon or dysfunction in our body.
  • Examples of diseases include infections, cancer, autoimmune diseases, arthritis, genetic disorders, and more.
  • In microbiology, we investigate infections and the potential diseases a patient might have.
  • The incubator is a device used to grow and maintain microbiological cultures at an optimal temperature and other conditions, such as carbon and oxygen contents in the atmosphere.
  • The incubator provides an environment for organisms to grow.
  • Temperature is a crucial factor in microbiology, as organisms cannot grow at extreme temperatures, e.g., 40°C or 10°C, but some can at 42°C.
  • The incubator needs electricity as an energy source and a switch to turn on and off the instrument.
  • The incubation control in the incubator includes a knob to decrease or increase temperature, a rotating and pressing mechanism, and an upper part that controls temperature.
  • The incubator has additional features such as atmospheric conditions, gas, carbon dioxide, a handle to close or open the incubator, a glass cover to hold specimens, and needs cleaning once or twice a month with hypochlorite solutions.
  • The autoclave is a device used to sterilize equipment by subjecting them to specified temperature, pressure, and time.
  • The autoclave is used for predisposal treatment and sterilization of waste materials.
  • Sterilization is the removal of organisms' life.
  • The autoclave comes in various types such as wheel type and screw type.
  • Moist under pressure is a principle in the autoclave.
  • The autoclave has a basket to place materials, a water level check required, adequate recommended water inside the autoclave, a base is necessary, and an upside down positioning of petri dish to prevent compromising quality through evaporation.
  • The biosafety cabinet is an enclosed ventilated laboratory workplace for working with materials contaminated with pathogens requiring a defined biosafety level.
  • Biosafety levels range from BSL-1 to BSL-4, with BSL-1 not causing disease in healthy individuals but causing diseases in immunocompromised, BSL-2 causing more percutaneous transmission or mucous membrane or needle stick injury transmission like HIV, Hepatitis A (salmonella) Hep B, C, and E transmitted via needle stick injury, BSL-3 aerosol-transmitted airborne diseases like Mycobacterium tuberculosis, COVID-19 virus, Influenza virus, also fungi like Histoplasma capsulatum, BSL-4 mode of transmission is Aerosol and are life-threatening infections.
  • Class 1 to 3 biosafety cabinets are available, with Class-1 being open-fronted, Class-2 (Type A and Type B) having a fixed opening in front, and Class-3 being a glove box for biosafety level 4.
  • Class 4 biosafety level process is done in a biosafety level 4 process.
  • Lab equipment includes an incubator, autoclave, biosafety cabinet, and other laboratory equipment.
  • Course adjustment: Used to move the stage up and down.
  • OIO (100x)- Highest magnification view.
  • Water Bath: Used for heating culture media solutions and samples at below 100°C.
  • Base: Supports the entire microscope
  • Hot Air Oven: Used to sterilize glassware and materials using moist heat
  • In carrying the microscope, use two hands to
  • Refrigerator: Used for storing or preserving culture media, microbiology culture, or other sensitive procedures such as reagents
  • Hot Plate: Used to heat glassware or its contents.
  • Stage: A platform that holds the slides containing the specimens.
  • Collocative: Chemicals are inactive at low temperatures.
  • Petri Dish: Made of plastic or glass, used to grow bacteria
  • Colony: A group of bacteria growing together in a solid culture medium.
  • HPO (40x)- View specific details of the object;
  • Inoculating wire: Used to transfer specimens to the Petri dish and for spreading.
  • pH meter: Used to measure hydrogen ion concentration of a solution to determine if it's alkaline, acidic, or neutral.
  • Different sizes - small (100D, 15ml), medium (150D, 15ml).
  • Vortex mixer: Used for mixing liquids kept in the test tube.
  • Analytical balance: For accurate weighing of specimens, culture media, chemicals, and precipitate
  • Graduated cylinder: Measures the volume of liquids.