
Cards (34)

  • Hydrosphere contains water in all its forms from in/on/around the earth
  • Water is a renewable resource which is essential for all organisms
  • Water is often unevenly distributed, human activities affect the quanity/quality of available water
  • Human uses of water involve: agriculture, industry snd domestic uses
  • Agriculture uses around 70 percent of water on activities like irrigation
  • Industry uses around 22 percent of water on activities such as cooling, heating, washing and solvents
  • Domestic uses of water use around 8 percent of global water, on activities such as flushing. Washing and hygiene
  • Global demand on water is increasing due to an increase in population, the birth rate is higher than the death or immigration rate
  • Global demand of water is increasing due to increased irrigation of farmland
  • Global demand of water has increased due to an increase in per-capita use due to increased affluence
  • Global demand of water has increased due to industrialisation
  • Hydrological cycle is powered by solar power: it warms the water on earth causing evaporation causing it to rise into the atmosphere cooling, condensing and precipitation to occur
  • Reservoirs in the water cycle include: oceans, ice, lakes, atmosphere, ground water, soil moisture and living organisms
  • Temperature and humidity control when condenstaion occur
  • Interception is when water is impeded by vegetation before reaching the ground, this is then evaporated back into the atmosphere
  • Infiltration is the rate at which water enters soil into the ground
  • Percolation is the flow of water through pore spaces in rocks
  • Groundwater flow is the movement of water through pore spaces in rocks
  • Surface runoff is the flos of water over impermeable ground surfaces
  • Evaporation is the process of liquid water turning into water vapour
  • Transpiration is the process of water being taken up by roots and released as water vapour through the leaf Pores
  • Water table is the upper level of an underground surface inwhich soil or rocks are permanantly saturated with water
  • Sublimation is the conversion of a substance from a solid to a gas without a liquid stage
  • Dynamic equilibrium is when the rate of reaction is constant and the concentration of reactants and products is constant
  • Evaporation of water from bodies of water and transpiration from plants are balanced out by condensation to form clouds and subsequent precipitation
  • Water often doesn't cycle quickly, water in a reservoir may stay there for a long time
  • Average length of time in which water molecules stay in one reservoir is called residence time
  • Residence timebis measured by dividing volume of water in reservoir by average transfer rate
  • When water is not removed from a store and used when it is this is known as non-abstractive
  • Energy generation is a non abstraction use of water, hydroelectric dams use the kinetic energy of water to create power
  • Non abstraction use of water involves transport such as boats on sea or rivers
  • Non abstraction uses of water include recreation activities or wildlife conservation
  • Thermohaline circulation refers to the global ocean currents driven by differences in temperature and salinity, it helps redistribute heat around the planet
  • Subsidence agriculture relies on naturally available irrigation, commercial agriculture has a higher income allowing more money to be invested in irrigation schemes