The Vikings were known as the Norsemen, which means 'North men'
The Anglo-Saxon rulers, known as thegns, were military leaders who were also expected to be agricultural producers, as well as defenders of their kingdoms.
Vikings came from Scandinavia (Denmark, Norway & Sweden)
Anglo-Saxon England was divided into seven kingdoms at different times: Northumbria, Mercia, Kent, Essex, Sussex, Wessex, and Anglia.
The Viking raiders came from Scandinavia (modern day Denmark, Norway and Sweden) and they travelled across the North Sea on longships.
In AD865, King Alfred was forced to pay tribute to the Danes so that he could keep his throne.
The social system in Anglo-Saxon England was top-heavy, with the monarch and earls at the top, then thegns, ceorls, peasants, and slaves at the bottom.
William claimed that Harold had been sent to Normandy in order to promise to support William’s claim to the English throne, and that Harold swore an oath on holy relics about this.