Learning Theories

Cards (15)

  • Who came up with the Differential Association Thoery?
  • What is the key idea of Differential association thoery?
    criminality is the result of imitation and learned attitudes in groups that favour law breaking
  • What does Sutherland suggest?
    suggests that through interaction with others, individuals learn the values, attitudes, techniques, and motivation for criminal behaviour.
  • One strength od Sutherland?

    suggests crime can run in families.
  • Limitation to Sutherlands study?
    • not everyone exposed to criminal influences becomes a criminal
  • who cam up with the Operant Learning Theory?
  • What is the key idea of the Operate learning theory?
    If a behaviour results in a reward it will be repeated. However, if a behaviour results in an undesirable outcome, it will not be rewarded.
  • What was the study that skinner used?
    The rat in the box with lever and treat.
  • What are some strengths of operate conditioning?
    • can be used to explain a wide variety of behaviour
    • has practical applications which can be applied in different environments (classrooms, prisons)
    • the environment determines the behaviour
  • What are some weaknesses of operate conditioning?
    • fails to take into account inherited +/or cognitive factors
    • positive rienforcement doesnt always stop behaviour
    • punishment does not always prevent behaviour from being repeated
  • Who came up with the Social learning theory?
    Albert Bandura
  • What is the key idea of the social learning theory?
    much of our behaviour is learned from imitating others (models)
  • What study did bandura use and what did it show?
    • The Bobo doll experiment.
    • Children most likely to imitate violent behaviour if they have seen an adult model act a similar way towards the doll.
  • What are some strengths of the Bandura SLT?
    • takes into account our social nature (we learn from others experiences)
    • Shows importance of role models in learning deviance
  • What are some weaknesses of the SLT?
    • based on lab studies so lacks validity
    • not all observed behaviour is easily imitated - we may see criminals rewarded but lack the skills to copy
    • ignores free will of humans (determinism)