category A - direct and immediate control and supervision, pharmacist should always be present
category B - supervision and oversight, does not always require a pharmacist present
satellite pharmacy is where medicines are provided for employees and pharmacies are overseen by pharmacists
Satellite pharmacy is dependent upon the centrally licensed hospital pharmacy for administrative control, staffing, and drug procurement.
community pharmacy - registered drugs are dispensed directly to the general public at retail
PhilPSP - created on April 2015
philpsp - philippine practice standards for pharmacists
philpsp - pharmacists are legally ans socially mandated to protect the best interests of patients through pharmaceutical care
philpsp - evolving social contract between Filipino pharmacists and Filipino people
instituting philpsp - to make positioning of Filipino pharmacists in the present day health system strategic and relevant
formal standards have not yet existed until
april 2015
philpsp development aim
to guide, advice, provide reference to filipino pharmacists on how they can best fulfill their duties and responsibilities as health professionals
three focus of institutional pharmacy
institutions, organizations, corporations
5 steps of goals in philpsp development
practice standard, competence, continuous quality improvement (excellence), safe, patient-centered, progressive pharmacy practice, recognition of Filipino pharmacist
5 steps of goals in philpsp development: practice standard, competence, continuous quality improvement (excellence), safe, patient-centered, progressive pharmacy practice, recognition of Filipino pharmacist
good pharmacy practice - responds to the needs of the people
good pharmacy practice - provide optimal, evidence-based care
gpp requirements
welfare of patients, best use of medicines, promotion of rational and economic prescribing and dispensing, and pharmacy service is relevant, defined, and effectively communicated
6 components of pharmacy practices
readily available to patient with or without appointment, responsible use of limited healthcare resources, identifying and managing/triaging health-related problems, preventing harm, assuring effectiveness, health promotion (lifestyle management)