The Cold War involved a simmering tension between the USSR and the West which stopped short of actual physical combat.
The War led to significant changes in Russian political ideology and on domestic and foreign policies
When Khrushchev came to power he enacted a policy of de-Stalinisation in an attempt to present a more favourable picture of Russia to the West
The Cold War also prompted an arms race which required high levels of investment in heavy industry. This prevented more investment in consumer products an caused unrest, which was dealt with ruthlessly
By 1946, the Grand Alliance was unravelling as .Truman and Stalin were suspicious of one another. Western Politicians, such as Churchill, were concerned that Communism might spread, threatening Western democracy
Expensive events in the Cold War:
Korean War
USSR's first hydrogen bomb
Space Race
Events in the Cold War that suggested Russia's system of government wasn't working well:
Not allying China
Hungarian Revolution
Cuban Missile Crisis
Sino-Soviet relations
Impact of the Cold War:
Cuban Missile crisis - fall of Khrushchev
Detriment of consumer industry
Nuclear arms race was very expensive
Living standards much lower than in the West
Ongoing rivalry
The Cold War had very little direct effect on the structure and function of Russia's government, other than playing some role in Khrushchev's fall from power