Plant response

Cards (17)

  • The aim of the experiment is to investigate the effect of light or gravity on the growth of newly germinated seedlings.
  • The equipment required for the experiment includes white mustard seeds, petri dishes, cotton wool, a ruler, water, a window with exposure to light, and a dark cupboard.
  • In the first step of the method, a fixed volume of water is poured into 3 petri dishes and cotton wool is added.
  • Ten seeds are placed in each petri dish.
  • The petri dishes are placed in a warm location such as an incubator, not to be disturbed.
  • Time is allowed for the seeds to germinate.
  • If necessary, more water is added to the petri dishes to maintain the same volume for each dish.
  • Excess seeds are removed from the petri dishes so that they have the same number of seedlings.
  • One petri dish is placed in full sunlight by a window.
  • A second petri dish is placed in partial sunlight.
  • A third petri dish is placed in darkness in a cupboard.
  • The height of each seedling is measured every day for at least a week and recorded in a table.
  • The mean height of the seedlings is found each day.
  • A graph of 'mean height of seedling' against 'day' is plotted.
  • Environmental conditions for the experiment include full sunlight, partial sunlight, and darkness.
  • Seeds may be a biohazard and should be handled with care.
  • Wash your hands after handling seeds.