The 8 stores of energy are thermal, kinetic, electrical, elastic, magnetic, chemical,gravitational and nuclear.
The conservation of energy is a law which states energy cannot be created or destroyed.
Radiation is absorbed by matte, black surfaces. Radiation is reflected by silvershiny or white surfaces.
Thermal equilibrium occurs when all objects have been left in a room for long enough that they become at the sametemperature.
Convection is when a fluid is heated, the particles gain kinetic energy and moveapart. This region of fluid becomes less dense, transferring the thermal energy with it.
Images in planemirrors are laterally inverted.
The angle of incidence is always equal to the angle of reflection.
Refraction is an effect that occurs when waves travel into different substances.
Reflection is when light hits a surface and it rebounds.
Sound waves are longditudinal.
Compression is when the molecules are squeezed together (higherpressure) and rarefraction is when the molecules are spread out (lowerpressure).
Sound waves travel fastest through dense solids because the vibra are easier to pass on when the particles are closer together.
Red, blue and green are th primary colours of light.
Yellow, magenta and cyan are the secondary colours of light