The developing of writing

Cards (19)

  • Writing: a symbolic representation of spoken language via graphic signs
  • spoken languages appeared long before written ones (spoken languages: between 100,000 and 50,000 years ago, written language: 5,000 years ago)
  • The earliest precursors of writing: cave drawing, clay tokins
  • cuneiform writing:The oldest writing system
  • The most durable materials:—clay, stone
  • pictogram : a way of writing in which a picture/drawing of an object is used to represent the object
  • ideogram : a way of writing in which each symbol represents a concept. More symbolic
  • Ideograms origin - Cuneiform writing(Sumerians)
  • logogram : a way of writing in which each symbol represents a word. Abstract
  • alphabet : a way of writing in which one symbol represents one sound segment
  • syllabic writing (syllabary): a way of writing in which each symbol represents a syllable
  • Consonant alphabet -sets of consonants with vowels beingfilledin by thereader
  • Semitic scribt - source of the most alphabets
  • Cuneiform- the oldest writing system. Words were divided into syllables.
  • Rebus writing- represention of sounds in language via writng
  • the Phoenicians - However, the first nation to come to use a syllabic writing system in 100%
  • —alphabetic writing (Arabic, Hebrew)
  • orthography - spelling
  • digraph - A combination of two letters consistently used for a
    single sound