The biological approach is a perspective that emphasizes the importance of physical processes influencing behaviour focusing on biological structures, genes and neurochemistry as well as evolution.
Genes make up chromosomes and consists of DNA which codes the physical features of an organism (eye colour) and psychological features (mental disorder). Genes are transmitted from parent to offspring.
Biological structures an arrangement or organisation of parts to form an organ, system or living thing.
Neurochemistry relate to chemicals in the brain that regulate psychological processes.
Genotype is the particular set of genes a person has.
Phenotype the characteristics of an individual determined by both genes and the environment.
Evolution The changes in inherited characteristics in a biological population over successive generation.
Assumption- From a biological perspective the mind lives in the brain which suggests all thoughts, feelings and behaviour ultimately have a physical basis.
Behaviour geneticists study whether behavioural characteristics (IQ, personality and disorders) are inherited in the same way as physical characteristics.
Twin, adoption and family studies compare concordance rates to determine if certain traits have a genetic basis. Monozygotic twins share 100% of their genes and dizygotic twins share 50%.
Genotype is the actual genetic makeup of an individual, which is also influenced by environmental factors, whereas, phenotype is the way those genes are expressed through physical, behavioural and psychological characteristics.
Darwin proposed the theory of natural selection which suggests that behaviour which enhances an individuals chances of survival/ reproduction will be passed on to future generations. (e.g. Darwin suggested that giraffe's evolved long necks to reach food), showing how something physical adapted in response to the environment.
Strengths of biological approach:
Highly scientific as it makes use of techniques (fMRI's EEG'S) making it possible to accurately measure neural and biological processes which are objective rather than biased compared to inferences produced from self-reports in other approaches
Limitations of the Bio approach:
Biological causes of behaviour are reductionist as it fails to acknowledge the way that other factors such as role models may contribute to behaviour
S- Important real life application as the increased understanding of biochemical processes in the brain has mostly led to effective treatment for disorders (psychoactive drugs for depression), meaning many sufferers can live a relativelynormal life.
SERT gene influences serotonin transport and is associated with the development of OCD leading to compulsions.
S -Somorometa analysis of 17 studies consisting of around 3000 p's shows that drug therapies such as SSRI'Sreduce symptoms of OCD compared to placebos. Therefore, neurochemistry plays a crucial role in influencing behaviour.
W - Biological determinism: Belief all actions are predetermined by bio factors which has significant implications. Argues criminal behaviour is due to a criminal gene could challenge legal principles of responsibility as individuals can't choose which genes to have.