Hazard = broken glass can lead to cuts - Keep glass away from the edge
hazard : scalpel can lead to cuts : ensure to cut away from the body
ethanol : highly flammable : ensure there are no naked flames in the room
boiling water : can lead to scalding : handle boiling water with care
colorimeter : used to measure the % abosorvance of light though solution
reducing sugars : Benedict’s reagent : colour change form green -brick red
Non-reducing sugars : add HCL and Benedict’s solution : colour change from green to brick red
Proteins: biuret reagent : colour change from pale blue - purple
starch : iodine test : Orange-brown - blue black
lipids : same volume water ,ethanol. and lipid sample shake and if positive white cloudy emulsion forms
thermostatically controlled water bath
Ice cold temperatures and isotonic : reduces the effect of kinetic energy and ensures enzyme action is in control , isotonic to allow for no osmotic effect
buffer - used to maintain ph
biosensor - produces an electrical signal which measures the concentration of chemical
cell may be cut at different planes
replenishing water stops the build up of bacteria and replenishes oxygen content
staining allows the presence of chromosomes to be seen
we can witness mitosis in the meristem tissue and root tip
meiosis is occurring in anthers
septum : muscular wall on the left and right side of the heart
Potometer conditions : -must be assembled in water to ensure there are no air bubbles , grease joints with Vaseline to give a tight seal which prevents air from entering , cut shoot at an oblique angle to increase surface area for water absorption
The higher the Simpsons diversty index the greater the biodiversity . From 0-1
we place nail varnish on stomata as it makes it easier to look at stomata
ways to increase reliability : repeat and calculate means
increase validity : control your control variables
increase accuracy : use apparatus with smaller divisions and investigate using more concentrations /Temperatures or Ph
method for sampling : use tape measure at right angles , use a random number generator to pick coordinates
35.C is the optimum temperature for respiratory enzymes
Total count includes viable and non-viable cells
mathematical value for reliability : standard deviation .
standard deviation allows for a look into more reliable results and indicates deviation from mean
conditions for human gut bacteria : anaerobic and 37.C
Differences in dry mass is caused due to water entering cells via osmosis
root tips are squashed to allow light to pass through and prevent the damage of cells
Percentage change allows for comparison if initial sizes or masses are different
Chi - squared values : mention what critical value you got and if there is probability state there is less than a 5% probability the results are due to chance
Normal distribution - bell shaped curve
We cannot use chi-squared if the data Is continuous
ways to ensure sampling method is representative
use a random number generator
use many quadrats
Carry out sampling at the same times int the year in the same places before
T-test - statistical test used to test if mean results are statistically significantly different