The eye

Cards (9)

  • Contains receptors sensitive to light intensity / colours
    1. CORNEA
    light rays pass though transparent front of eye
  • 2. LENS
    focuses light rays onto back of eye - changes shape to look at distant or close
  • 3. RETINA
    Contains receptors for light intensity / colour
    • receptor cells send electrical impulses down to OPTIC NERVE to the brain
  • Ciliary muscle / suspensory ligaments
    • Surround lens to contract or relax
    • when ciliary muscle contracts (outside one) the suspensory ligaments LOOSEN (inside one) so lens is THICKER and refracts light MORE STRONGLY
    • when ciliary muscle relaxes (outside one) the suspensory ligaments are PULLED TIGHT (Inside one) so lens is THIN only SLIGHTLY REFRACTING light
  • Distant objects
    ciliary muscle (outside one) relaxes and suspensory ligaments (inside ones) are PULLED TIGHT so lens is THIN and light is SLIGHTLY REFRACTED
  • Near object
    Ciliary muscle contracts (outside one) so suspensory ligaments loosen (inside ones) so lens is THICKER and light is refracted MORE STRONGLY
  • longsight (light refracted too much BEHIND retina)
    • can focus on distant objects
    • cant see nearby objects
    • FIXED BY: GLASSES WITH CONVEX LENSES (partially focus light before it enters eye)
  • Shortsight (light refracted too much INFRONT of retina)
    • can see nearby objects
    • cant see distant
    • FIXED BY: GLASSES WITH CONCAVE LENSES (partially unfocus light before it enters eye)