Maintaining water balance

Cards (5)

  • If there ISNT ENOUGH water in blood (eg. Due to sweating) the PITUITARY GLAND releases hormone ADH into bloodstream.
    • ADH travels to kidneys and causes kidney tubes to become more PERMEABLE to water so more water can pass OUT of kidneys INTO blood
    - when enough water is in blood again the pituitary gland stops producing ADH (NEGATIVE FEEDBACK)
  • If blood has TOO MUCH water
    • PITUITARY GLAND stops releasing ADH - kidneys RE-ABSORB the water OUT of blood through permeable kidney tubes
  • KIDNEY DIALYSIS (blood contains a HIGHER amount of WATER/UREA/IONS than it should)
    • patients blood passes over SEMI-PERMEABLE membrane (allows only urea/water/ions through and not larger molecules like blood cells/ proteins)
    - Dialysis fluid contains normal concentrations of water and ions but NO UREA so only some water and ions diffuse but not all
    - UREA diffuses from blood into dialysis fluid and levels return normal
  • kidney transplant +\-
    + allows patient to live normal life / expensive initially. - shortage of kidney donors and rejection and take anti rejection drugs for rest of life
  • Dialysis +\-
    • + - no shortage of dialysis machines
    • . - - frequent treatments and controlled diet / expensive long term