The frequency of a sound wave is related to the pitch that is heard: high frequency sound waves are high pitched, low frequency sound waves are low pitched.
Different species of animal have different hearing ranges, which explains why a dog can hear the ultrasound produced by a dog whistle but humans cannot.
Uses of ultrasound include breaking kidney stones and cleaning jewellery, where the vibrations caused by the ultrasound shake apart the dirt or kidney stones, breaking them up.
Ultrasound imaging creates a picture of something that cannot be seen directly, such as an unborn baby in the womb, or faults and defects inside manufactured parts.
The time between a pulse of sound being transmitted and detected and the speed of sound in water can be used to calculate the distance of the reflecting surface or object.
S-waves are not detected on the opposite side of the Earth, suggesting that the mantle has solid properties, but the outer core is a fluid layer that sits above the solid inner core.