
Subdecks (2)

Cards (30)

  • alliteration
    repetition of constants at the start of words close together
  • constance
    repetition pf consonants in words close together
  • assonance
    repitition of vowel sounds close together
  • simile
    making a comparison, using words like, as, than
  • metaphor - make a comparison without using like, as, than, instead you refer to one thing as being another
  • hyperbole - exaggeration for emphasis for dramatic effect
  • sibilance - repitition of the s or sh constonants in words close together
  • personification - giving human qualities to things that are not human
  • onomatopoeia - the sounds of the word mimics the action it is used to describe
  • repitition - the repitition of a word, phrase or line within a poem
  • enjambment - one line that flows onto another without pause
  • end-line rhyme - words at the end of lines close together that rhyme with eachother
  • sensory imagery - images that appeal to the senses (sight, smell, taste, touch, sound)