Jackson Cross Cylinder

Subdecks (2)

Cards (14)

  • What is it?
    • used to determine axis and power of astigmatism
    • used as a more accurate alternative to block&fan - 2.5 compared to 5 degs of accuracy
    • cannot be used if > 1.00 DC difference compared to result found in ret
    • Target = concentric circles (Verhoeff circles) or anything circular
    *size must be better than patient's best sphere VA for that eye
  • Components of JCC:
    • Handle = at 45 deg to each axis
    *no. of handle corresponds to astigmatic interval b/w the 2 powers (-0.25DC and +0.25DC = 0.5DC)
    • Cylindrical lens = marked by axis at 90 deg to each other (where there is no power)
    *available in 0.25,0.5,0.75,1.00 powers - use higher powers for lower vision patients
    *use JCC that is less than or equal to the power of the estimated cylinder
    *one colour = +ve cylinder , other colour = -ve cylinder
    • Axis - HANDLE PARALLEL TO TRIAL FRAME AXIS (one colour only)
  • Best Sphere VA vs Estimated Astigmatic Error:
    • 6/5 = 0.00 DC
    • 6/6 = -0.50 DC
    • 6/9 = -1.00 DC
    • 6/12 = -1.50 DC
    • 6/18 = -2.00 DC
    • 6/24 = -2.50 to -3.00 DC
    • 6/36 = -3.25 to -4.00 DC
    • For every -0.50DC added in trial frame cylinder....
    *Add +0.25 DS to the sphere
    • For every +0.50DC added in trial frame cylinder...
    *Add -0.25 DS to the sphere
  • Advantages over Fan&Block:
    • accurate to 2.5 deg - bracketing technique
    • unaffected by head tilt
    • performed for both distance and near vision
    • more accurate for lower power cylinders
    • circular targets are everywhere - domiciliary
    • Alternating choice (where fan&block is simultaneous choice) - patient has to remember and cannot see options at once
    *older patients may require more time to respond
    • Fan and block more accurate for higher power cylinders
  • Selection of Appropriate X-Cyl:
    • 0.25 - if refined V/A (after retinoscopy) is better than 6/12
    • 0.50 - if refined V/A (after retinscopy) is worse than 6/12
    *If V/A has improved after refining axis, go back to smaller JCC - the higher the cyl, the more specific the axis has to be
  • Why do we leave duo chrome on equal/green before JCC?
    • if clearer on red, circle of least confusion in front of retina (not on)
    • Position 1 - posterior focal line will go on retina but increases astigmatic interval
    *patient will report it to be clearer but not circular
    • Position 2 - reduces astigmatic interval but both planes still in front of retina, leaving patient myopic
    *patient will report it to be circular but not clearer
    Better on green for younger people...
    • px can accommodate the circle of least confusion to move from behind retina to on the retina
    • not presbyopes though