★Betty Friedan (1921-2206)

Cards (8)

  • What is Friedan’s view on human nature?
    Both men and women are equal and irrational assumption had disadvantaged women’s rights and freedoms
  • Friedan exposed the stifling boundaries placed upon women (particularly mothers and housewives) and identified the multiple frustrations of those who felt trapped by the confines of social expectations.
  • Friedan’s view on the role of the state
    Legislation should criminalise discrimination. This prevents women from having their freedom harmed by others
  • The emancipation of women from the confines of a patriarchal society is needed.
  • Society remained chauvinistic towards women though women were complicit in their repression
  • Free market capitalism could be an ally of female emancipation if allied to legislation.
  • Friedan emphasised that women should be financially independent from their husband, and that women should be allowed to make their own living
  • What is the ‘Feminine mystique’ according to Friedan?

    A book where she challenged the widely shared belief that ‘fulfillment as a women had only one definition for American women after 1949- the housewife-mother’