Marcus MSpiegel , a German, born Jewish man who immigrated to Ohio, 1849
Spiegel was a part of the small one percent of Jews in the US, but he greatly supported American patriotism, and fought in the Civil War
Spiegel identified as a Democrat and supported slavery, but similar to many soldiers, his views changed after seeing the souths horrifying slavery system in real time when he fought in the lower south
The American Civil War is referred to as America’s first modern war, because it was the first war with the deadly tools of the industrial revolution were put to use
The use of these new weapons resulted in many casualties
The battle that was meant to be the union versus the Confederates was becoming northern Society versus Southern Society, as it was difficult to distinguish citizens from opposing troops
The North population by 1860 was 22 million while the south was 9 million with 3.5 million being slaves
The North had better manufacturing, railroad, mileage, and finances
highly motivated soldiers
Had territory larger than western Europe, which was difficult for the union to invade
for both the soldiers and their officers, the transformation of war from new technology was unprecedented
ex. Railroads were being used to transport soldiers and weapons. The first railroad junctions were in Atlanta and Petersburg
ex. The telegraph created by Samuel Morse Was a key communication tool during the war
The most important technologies was the rifle and upgrade from the only short range musket
The rifles, long distance, accuracy gave the defensive side and advantage over the attacking side the south was usually on the defensive
The water battle between the Unions Monitor and the Confederacy’s Merrimack proved that ironclad was better than wooden ships
America’s primitive medication Had yet to catch up to the wars, death rate from rifle’s, Measles, malaria, and typhus that were teaming in army camps
The Civil War was the first war where the enemy captured large amounts of Americans
War around the world was becoming more destructive ex. The Taiping rebellion (1850-1860) in China with 23 million deaths but the high bloodshed rate was new to the US
their was propaganda spread through the lithographs, souvenirs and music sheets to mold public opinion
The propaganda being spread in the north tarnished the Democrats reputation and reaffirmed northern values
The developing are a photography, bro, brutal scenes from the war to the doorstep of Americans(starting in 1862)
The war was greatly sensationalized with correspondence, who accompanied armies and published casualty lists to the public the following day
The war left both sides, unprepared, because no national bank system, no tax system were present to fund the war
Another difficulty of the war was gaining supplies for soldiers, but the Union was much better supplied than the Confederacy
On the where is third year, the confederacy was suffering from a great sage, resolved by ordnance bureau Josiah Gorgas who imported weapons and ammo
Robert E. Lee was a confederacy skilled tactician that had the confederacy play defensively with sporadic movement towards the north
Lincoln‘s first general, found it difficult to use their size and technology to their advantage
Lincoln realized that just capturing the south capital would not win the war, but directly attacking the soul of the south sell, which was a slavery institution and defeating, southern armies
The wars first significant engagement was the first battle of Bull Run in northern Virginia, 1861 it ended in the chaotic retreat of the Union and sightseer politicians
George B McClellan assume the Potomac( Union’s central force) after bull run (as he had recently won an engagement with the confederate troops in Virginia)McClellan shape the union into superb shape but being a Democrat he hoped the war would end in compromise and he tended to over estimate the enemy‘s size so he was reluctant to commit the Potomac to battle
McClellan's hesistancy to engage the Potomac in war did not cease until the Spring of 1862 because of the media
Public clamor and the impatience of both Congress and Lincoln pushed McClellan to put the Potomac in war
Geore B. McClellan led his 100,000 troops to confront Robert E. Lee's small army in Virgnia
Lee blunted all of McClellan's attacks through the Seven Days Campaign resulting in the Union loss of the First Battle of Bull Run
Robert E. Lee was offered a spot in the Union but denied this offer because o his loyalty to Virginia
After suceeding defensivley in he first and second battle's of bull run Lee attacked Maryland with the intentions of making Britain and France see Southern Independence and bring border states to Confederacy and seize D.C
Battle of Antietem September 17th 1862
The North had accomplished little in the East
Thanks to Ulysses S. Grant, there was much success in the West
Grant was an Illinois shopkeeper turned commisioner
On Februrary 1862 Grant captured forts Henry and Donelson in Tennessee
Grant withstood the suprise attack at Shiloh Tennessee
Between the abolishment of slavery in Britain (1831), Brazil (1888), and the U.S. in 1865 there were 6 million slaces freed and 4 million of those were from the U.S. (2/3 of that numer loed in the South
Lincoln later in the war began to appeal to the North's free labour ideas,but initially his main concern was keeping the border states in the Union
The Crittenden Resolution suggested by Kentucky senator John J. Critterden in 1860
the Compromise that would extend the Missouri Compromise all the way to the pacific ocean it recived unamious votes in congress
the South rejected this as too little to late
Lincoln rejected it because of the clause that would continue slavery in any new lands America gained and Lincoln was strictly against the expansion of slavery
As the Confederacy put slaves to work as military laborers they would escape to Union lines the Union military had adopted Benjamin F. Butlers idea of treating escaped slaves as contrabands of war
"the contrabands" would be placed in contraband camps and would also be sent to contraband schools
Unlike fugitive slaves before the war not just men were fleeing from plantations but entire families
escapees to Union lines were excellent informants of Confederate movement
anti-slavery northeners argued that since slavery was the crux of the Southern economy emancipation was neccesary tp weaken the South and sustain the war
Radical Republicans insisted that abolishing slavery should've been a set goal in the war
Support for emancipation grew increasingly in Congress because of Union's military success declining
In the March of 1862 Congress banned the returning of fugitive slaves
Then Congress instituted the Second Confiscation Act that emancipated all slaves in Union territory
Lincoln was swift to stop John C. Fremont's attempt of freeing Missouri slaves because he wanted to avoid conflict with the border states
Lincoln suggested border states embark on a journey of gradual emanciption
On the August of 1862 Lincoln revived the ideas the of colonizaion society whist in with a delegation of black leaders in the White House and in December 1862 Lincoln signed to hsvr freed slaves sent to Haiti
Factors that influenced the Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation were hopes that...
emancipated slaves would contribute to the North's man power
emancipation would contract Britain recognizig the Southern Independence
After Union victory at Antitem the Emancipation Proclamation was signed
The proclamation was signed AFTER the victory in Antitem because Lincoln didn't want it to appear as a desperate attempt against the Confederacy
The Emancipation Proclamation warned that if the South didn't cease fighting by the end of 1862 slavery would've been abolished
There was great political backlash to the signing of the proclamation as the Democratic campaign in response to the proclamation was that the North would become Africanized
Legislative control was lost over Indiana and Illinois
The Emancipation Proclamation only applied to areas under Confederate control, not those already occupied by Union forces or slave states loyal to the Union
The Emancipation Proclamation did not apply to Maryland, Kentucky, Delaware, West Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, and Louisiana which had remained loyal to the Union
Of the Emancipations Proclamations decrees non had been as radical the allowance of slaves to join the Union Army
By the end of the war 180,000 lacks served as union (1/3 died) members earned and 15 earned the metal of honor
The 54th regiment was a troop of blacks headed by Robert Gould Shaw
should great bravery in the July 1863 attack on Fort Wagner South Carolina half of the regiment, including Shaw passed but proved African-Americans could fight
most African-Americans who joined union forces joined in 1863 after the plantation lands of Mississippi were seized by the Union
another large group came from border states were enlistment the union gained slaves, freedom, as well as their families (this undermined slavery in the border states)
for black soldiers fighting in the Civil War was a liberating experience to open the door to political advancements
The union Navy treated African-Americans, partly due to the conditions of work, and the fact that blacks could work as sailors before the proclamation equal to whites but the army did not
Army units had segregation usually with blacks serving under abusive white officers, received lower pay, they were signed to labor jobs instead of combat
being a soldier in the union was dangerous because if blacks were captured by the confederacy they could be sold back into slavery
When the 1864 over running a pillow under Nathan B Forest occurred almost 300 African-Americans were killed
Blacks serving in the war served to prove to Republicans that laws should not account race