Phase 2 Fibroblastic Repair Phase

Cards (7)

  • How long can fibroblastic repair phase last?
    4 days to 6 weeks
  • Fibroplasia
    Period of scar formation
  • During Phase 2 there is an increase in what?
    Oxygen, blood flow, nutrients
  • Scar tissue in the form of granulation tissue occurs during this phase, it lays down…?
    Disorganized and restrictive
  • What is Granulation tissue made up of?
    Fibroblasts, collagen and capillaries
  • Treatment: goal in phase 2 is to?
    Assist in scar tissue healing, increase mobility and strengthen safely
  • Treatments that favorable for phase 2

    KT tape, cupping, scraping, heat, Analgesic Cream, therapeutic rehab, balance (proprioceptive) rehab, Non-weighted band work, front lunges, soft tissue mobilization