Participant observation is when researchers participate in activities with their subjects to gain insight into their culture.
Ethnography involves observing people's behavior and recording it through field notes or audio/video recordings.
anthropology: the study of human thought, behavior, and lifeways that are learned, shared, and passed on.
List the three foundations of cultural anthropology: 1. cultural relativism 2. fieldwork 3. ethnography
what are the 4 fields of anthropology: archaeology, biological, cultural, and linguistic
What is culture?
taken for granted rules, moralities, and behaviors that feel natural or normal
Are all humans born without culture?
True. All humans are born without culture, BUT we can acquire it.
Symbols: object,word, or action that stands for something else
what are the 5 features of culture: 1. learned 2. based on symbols 3. shared 4. integrated 5. dynamic
eTic approach: a systematic analysis of a culture using SCIENTIFIC categories and an OUTSIDERS perspective.
eMic approach: examines a society using concepts, categories, and behaviors that are MEANINGFUL to the members of that culture
cultural relativism: the ability to understand a culture on its terms and not make judgments using the standards of one's own culture.
Power: can be brute force, but also ideology that makes inequality seem normal, status quo
fieldwork: firsthand research in a specific study community or research setting where the researcher can observe people’s behavior and have conversations or interviews with members of the community.
cultural evolutionism: the idea that some cultures are more evolved than others.
enculturation: teaching people what is culturally appropriate
What are the three main themes made out of the film BabaKiueria?
1. seeing culture and social order from a different perspective 2. the legacy of colonialism and legacy 3. thinking in a way as a journalist/anthropologist to help us better understand ones culture
Structure: forces that are beyond a individual's control, influence behavior in predictable ways, or predetermine certain outcomes
agency: free will, ability to choose to act in the face of structures
what's an example of a structure?
Following a maze as one should or following the norms and values of a culture
what's an example of an agency?
Not following the path the right way or making a "shortcut"
Hegemony: dominance of one another over a group
language: a system of communication consisting of sounds, words and grammar
what type of data collection did Prof. Hoelle use for his Amazon research?