Democritus- He claimed that matter was made of small, hard particles, that he called "atoms".
Dalton- He created the very first atomic theory.
Thomson- He showed that the atom was made of even smaller things.
Rutherford- He discovered protons and nucleus.
Bhor- He improved on Rutherford's model.
Chadwick- He discover neutrons.
Modern- Work done since 1920 has changed the model
The electrons are spread out around the edge of the atom. They orbit the nucleus in layers called Shells.
The protons and neutrons exist in a dense core at the center of the atom. This is called Nucleus.
The two properties of subatomic particles are mass and electrical charge.
Louie De Broglie- He proposed that the electron could also be thought as wave.
ErwinSchrodinger- used the wave idea to develop a mathematical equation to describe the hydrogen atom.
Werner Karl Heisenberg- discovered that for a very small particle like the electron, its location cannot be exactly known, and how it is moving.
Uncertainty Principle- you can't locate the exact position of an electron at any given time (too small, too fast)
Quantum Mechanical Model- Also gives information about the energy of the electron and describes the region of space around the nucleus as consisting of shells.
Aufbau Principle: electrons enter orbitals of lowest energy first.
The name consists of three quantum numbers: Principalquantumnumber, Angular momentumquantumnumber, and magneticquantumnumber.
Pauli exclusion Principle- An atomic orbital can describe at most two electrons.
Hand's rule- when electrons occupy orbitals of the same energy, electrons will enter empty orbitals first.
The three specific principles are the hand's rule, Aufbau principle, Pauli exclusion principle.
quantum mechanics- may be used to determine the arrangement of the electrons within an atom if three specific principles are applied.
principlequantumnumber- distribution of all electrons in an atom.
magnetic quantum number- It describes the orientation of the orbital sound around the nucleus.
Angular momentum quantum number- describe the shape of the orbitals.