
Cards (23)

  • The kind of courage Aristotle spoke about was to do with the threat of death when going into battle because Greece was constantly at war
  • Courage does not have a mean, extreme courage is appropriate
  • Aristotle believed that all virtues are means between two extremes (vices)
  • Courage is not:
    • facing danger for fear of punishment or shame
    • Acted out of ignorance
    • driven by violent passions, such as anger or lust
  • Temperance exists only in the field of pleasure and pain
  • The deficiency of temperance is insensibility
  • The excess of deficiency is licentiousness or self-indulgence
  • Temperance for Aristotle is eating, drinking and the pleasures of the flesh
  • The temperate person enjoys things in moderation and is disgusted by excess
  • Justice is an altruistic virtue as it considers the good of others an end in itself
  • Justice is not just a legality, but the whole system of law
  • Justice has no mean as it is a simple extreme
  • Justice means restoring what is lost to someone
  • Justice requires bravery, courage and temperance for the good of the community
  • The moral agent is not responsible for acts of injustice done through ignorance- unless the ignorance is willful
  • Friendship is an altruistic virtue as it considers the good of others as an end in itself
  • Aristotle believed friendship was just as important as justice
  • The usefulness of a friendship comes from the affection people have for each other and the good that comes from that
  • The pleasure of a friendship comes from wit and humour people may share
  • Goodness in a friendship refers to how alike people are in terms of their virtues
  • there are nine intellectual virtues
  • Primary intellectual virtues:
    • technical skill
    • scientific knowledge
    • practical wisdom
    • intelligence
    • theoretical wisdom
  • The intellectual virtues can be taught and are controlled by reason