Family Therapy AO3

Cards (3)

  • +Evidence for effectiveness. McFarlane concluded family therapy is effective for schizophrenia. Relapse rates were reduced by 50-60%. Particularly promising during time when mental health initially starts to decline. NICE recommends family therapy. This means that family therapy is good for people with both early and 'full-blown' schizophrenia.
  • +Benefits the whole family. Therapy is not just for benefit of identified patient but also for the families that provide bulk of care for people with schizophrenia (Lobban and Barrowclough). Family therapy lessens the negative impact of schizophrenia on the family and strengthens ability of the family to give support. This means family therapy has wider benefits beyond the obvious positive impact on the identified patient.
  • Which matters most?
    Family therapy reduces relapse rates and makes families better able to provide the bulk of care so it has economic benefits. However family therapy also has therapeutic benefits for people with schizophrenia and their families. This suggests that everyone wins, ultimately therapy should be for the benefit of the person and then their family, and any economic gain is a bonus.