parlimentary law making

Cards (23)

  • types of bills - public - private - back benchers
  • public bill - affects all
  • private bill - comapnies or individuals only
  • back benchers - individual proposed bill often from other aprty - 10 min rule
  • process of making law - green paper - white paper - hoc - 1st reading - 2nd reading - committe - report - 3rd reading - bill - royal assent
  • green paper - gov invites different ideas onto the bill
  • white paper - proposes bill might contain draft
  • 1st reading - aims read out
  • 2nd reading - vote on if continuing
  • commitee stage - scruitinise the report and each clause
  • report stage - commitee reports back to hoc
  • 3rd reading - final vote
  • same steps repeat in hol
  • royal assent - monarch has to approve the bill
  • ping pong - bill going back and forth between the hol and hoc
  • pro - hol limited
  • con - hol power
  • pro - democratic
  • pro - report and commitee stage
  • pro - can delegate to save time
  • con - takes ages
  • con - expensive
  • con - doesn't have to follow law commission advice