Cards (22)

  • are all forms of consideration
    given by an entity in exchange for service
    rendered by employees.
    Employee benefits
  • Short-term employee benefits are employee benefits
    (other than termination benefits) that are due to be
    settled within 12 months after the end of the period in
    which the employees render the related service.
  • Accumulating compensated absences are those that are carried forward and can be used in future periods if the current period’s entitlement is not used in full.
  • wherein employees are entitled to a cash payment for
    unused entitlement on leaving the entity
  • employees are not entitled to a cash
    payment for unused entitlement on leaving the entity
  • Non-accumulating compensated absences are those that are not carried forward. No liability or expense is recognized until the absences occur, because employee service does not increase the amount of the
  • Formula for Bonus before bonus and before tax
    B+P X Br
  • Post-employment benefits are employee benefits (other
    than termination benefits) which are payable after the
    completion of employment. Post-employment benefit
    plans are include:
    Retirement benefits, such as pensions & lump-sum
    payments on retirement
    Postemployment life insurance
    Postemployment medical care
  • Defined contribution plans
    1. Entity pays fixed contributions into a separate entity
    known as the fund.
    b. The entity will have no legal or constructive obligation
    to pay further contributions if the fund does not hold sufficient
    assets to pay all employee benefits relating to employee service
    in the current and prior periods. c. The contribution is definite but the benefit is indefinite
  • 2. Defined benefit plan
    1. Postemployment plan other than a defined contribution plan
    b. An entity’s obligation is to provide the agreed
    benefits to the employees.
    c. The benefit is definite but the contribution is
  • If the FVPA is more than the PBO, the plan is OVERFUNDED
    and therefore there is a PREPAID BENEFIT COST – Non Current
  • If the FVPA is less than the PBO, the plan is UNDERFUNDED, and
    therefore, there is an ACCRUED BENEFIT COST, - Non Current
  • Hybrid plans are retirement benefits plans that have
    characteristics of both a defined contribution plan and a
    defined benefit plan. For accounting purposes, hybrid
    plans are considered as defined benefit plans.
  • Multi-employer plans are pool of assets contributed by various
    employers to a trustee which uses those assets to provide benefits
    to employees of the various contributing employers.
  • State plans are established by legislation to cover all entities and are
    operated the government which is not subject to control or influence
    by the reporting entity.
  • The asset ceiling is the present value of any economic benefits
    available in the form of refunds from the plan or reductions in future
    contributions to the plan.
  • Current service cost - is the increase in the present value of
    a defined benefit obligation resulting from employee service in
    the current period.
  • Past service cost - is the change in the present value of the
    defined benefit obligation resulting from a plan amendment or
  • Gain or loss on settlement – the difference between the
    present value of the defined benefit obligation and the
    settlement price.
  • Interest cost on the defined benefit obligation – is the
    increase during a period in the present value of a defined benefit
    obligation which arises because the benefits are one period closer
    to settlement.
  • Actuarial gains and losses – are changes in the present
    value of the defined benefit obligation resulting from
    experience adjustments and the effects of changes in
    actuarial assumptions.
  • The rate used to discount post-employment benefit obligations shall
    be determined by reference to market yields at the end of the
    reporting period on high quality corporate bonds.