
Cards (17)

  • “A contract is, or contains, a lease if the contract
    conveys the right to control the use of an
    identified asset for a period of time in exchange
    for consideration.”
  • A customer does not have the right to use an identified asset if the
    supplier has the substantive right to substitute the asset throughout
    the period of use.
  • Lessee recognizes both:
    1. Lease liability; and
    2. Right-of-use asset
  • Lessee recognizes lease payments as expense over the lease term
    using straight line basis, or another more appropriate basis.
  • Discount rate is the interest rate implicit in the lease; if not
    determinable, then the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate.
  • Finance lease - a lease that transfers
    substantially all the risks and rewards
    incidental to ownership of an asset. Title may or
    may not eventually be transferred.
  • Operating lease - a lease other than a finance
  • Lessors recognize assets from a finance lease as receivable measured
    at an amount equal to the net investment in the lease.
  • Gross Investment – This is equal to the gross rentals for
    the entire lease term plus the absolute amount of the residual
    value, whether guaranteed or unguaranteed.
  • Unearned Interest Income – This is the difference
    between the gross investment and net investment.
  • Unearned Interest Income – This is the difference
    between the gross investment and net investment.
  • Net Investment in the lease – This is equal to the cost of
    the asset plus any initial direct cost paid by the lessor.
  • Initial direct costs are capitalized except direct costs incurred by a
    manufacturer or dealer lessor under a sales type lease, which are
    expensed immediately.
  • The interest rate implicit in the lease is defined in such a way that
    the initial direct costs are included automatically in the net
    investment in the lease; there is no need to add them separately.
  • Gross Profit – Sales minus Cost of Good Sold.
  • Intraperiod tax allocation relates to the allocation of income tax
    expense during the period to various items of income or other sources
    that brought about the tax. This is based on the notion – “the tax
    follows the income.” Income tax is allocated to the following:
  • Interperiod tax allocation relates to the recognition of deferred tax
    assets and deferred tax liabilities. It is concerned with the accounting
    for temporary differences.