5.7B Causes of water insecurity

Cards (5)

  • The causes of water scarcity are both physical and human:
    • Physical variation in climate, salt water encroachment
    • Human - over-abstraction, water contamination, industrial pollution
  • Physical causes of water insecurity:
    • Climate variation can lead to drought this reduces the amount of water available
    • Salt water encroachment occurs due to sea level rise when freshwater sources are contaminated by seawater and so become saline:
    • Tuvalu has experienced damaged crops and a loss of income, further encroachment could affect deep-rooted crops such as coconut and taro
    • Saltwater encroachment in the Maldives threatens drinking water supplies and has also damaged crops
  • Human causes of water insecurity:
    • Over-abstraction occurs when more water is taken than is naturally replaced by precipitation
    • Many countries around the world are affected by over-abstraction:
    • Jakarta and Beijing are sinking as a result of past over-abstraction of groundwater which is causing subsidence
  • Water contamination (human):
    • Over 2.4 billion people live without sanitation
    • In developing countries 90% of sewage flows untreated into water sources
    • Agriculture discharges large quantities of agrochemicals, organic matter, drug residues and sediment into water sources
    • As the world population increases so does the amount of agriculture, further increasing the agricultural pollution
    • In the EU almost 40% of water sources are impacted by agricultural pollution
    • Increased nitrates from fertiliser use leads to eutrophication
  • Industrial pollution (Human):
    • Every year 300-400 megatonnes of waste is discharged by industry into the water system
    • In many countries factory waste is discharged into water sources untreated due to a lack of regulations and a failure to challenge industries 
    • It is estimated that 80% of China's groundwater is polluted
    • This has led 70% of rivers and lakes to be unsafe for human use