5.7C Pressure on water resources

Cards (4)

    • The finite water resource faces increasing pressure 
  • Population growth affecting water:
    • Each person requires about 2 litres of clean drinking water a day to remain in good health
    • In addition 18 litres per person is needed for things like sanitation and cooking
    • As well as an increase in domestic water demand, population growth also increases the use of water for:
    • Energy production
    • Agriculture
    • Industry
  • Economic development affecting water:
    • People have more items which use water such as dishwashers, toilets and showers
    • Industry increases and factories use large quantities of water
    • Intensive agriculture is needed as people eat more food, and irrigation systems use large quantities of water
    • As more people move to urban areas the demand for water for drinking and sanitation increases
  • The future and water stress:
    • The UN predicts that 5 billion people or two thirds of the world population will face at least one month a year of water shortages
    • The future shortages will be the result of:
    • Climate change
    • Increased demand
    • Pollution 
    • By 2040 Chile, Estonia, Namibia, and Botswana could face a significant increase in water stress