5.8C Water conflicts

Cards (3)

  • Nile river: Facts
    • The river has huge seasonal variation due to the rain in Ethiopia
    • The waters of the Nile have provided the essential life-support system for human development
    • Longest river in the world stretching 4,132 miles
  • Nile river: who has the rights?
    • In 1929, the Nile Water Agreement was made which granted Egypt the rights to most of the river water apart from a tiny bit in the Sudan
    • 1959 Egypt and Sudan signed an agreement increasing the allocations of water in both Egypt and Sudan
    ->Problem was that Egypt is 90% dependent on the waters of the Nile
    • 2006 a Nile River Basin Commission was established to ensure equal and fair usage of the River Nile
  • Nile river: Dams
    • The renaissance dam built at $5bn (£3.6bn), and three times the size of the country's Lake Tana
    • The dam is the largest hydropower project in Africa and will create a reservoir containing 74 billion cubic meters of water
    • The economic losses to Egyptian agriculture could be up to US$51 billion
    • GDP loss would push unemployment to 24% and potentially displace people and disrupt other economies