Control the heart rate

Cards (14)

  • Multicellular organisms require transport systems to supply their cells and remove waste products.
  • In humans, one of the functions of the circulatory system is to transport substances.
  • The heart is part of the circulatory system and its function is to pump blood.
  • The heart beat is the sound of blood being pumped through the heart.
  • The atria are the upper chambers of the heart which collect blood returning from the body or from the lungs.
  • The right atrium of the heart collects blood returning from the body.
  • The left atrium of the heart collects blood returning from the lungs.
  • The atria of the heart generate electrical signals that make the heart contract independently of the nervous system.
  • A group of specialised cells in the right atrium of the heart, known as the sinoatrial node, acts as a natural pacemaker.
  • An artificial pacemaker is a medical device that uses electrical impulses to regulate heart beats.
  • There are several types of artificial pacemaker, which have electrical leads connected to different chambers of the heart.
  • Wires are guided along a vein to the chamber of the heart that needs to be stimulated.
  • The lead extends to the pacemaker, which is fitted between the skin of the upper chest and the chest muscle.
  • The fitting of artificial pacemakers is one of the most common types of heart surgery performed in the UK.