Development of cardiovascular diseases

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  • Multicellular organisms require transport systems to supply their cells and remove waste products.
  • In humans, one of the functions of the circulatory system is to transport substances.
  • The heart is a muscular organ that pumps blood around the body.
  • Oxygen is a gaseous element making up about 20% of the air, which is needed by living organisms for respiration.
  • Aerobic respiration is respiration that requires oxygen.
  • The coronary arteries supply blood, and therefore oxygen, to the heart muscle.
  • The coronary arteries may become blocked by a build-up of fatty material, caused by certain kinds of 'bad' cholesterol.
  • Cholesterol is a type of lipid (fatty substance).
  • If a blockage builds up, the amount of oxygen reaching the heart muscle is reduced.
  • A person will develop chest pain, and if left untreated, a heart attack is the result.
  • A heart attack can cause damage to, or death of the heart muscle.
  • Part of the heart muscle, or the whole heart, will die.