is one of the most closely watched indicators of long-term economic prospects.
Labor productivity
is the value that each employed person creates per unit of his or her input.
Technological Change
is a combination of invention— advances in knowledge—and innovation, which is putting
that advance to use in a new product or service.
Human Capital
is the accumulated knowledge (from education and experience), skills, and expertise that the
average worker in an economy possesses
Aggregate Production Function the process whereby an economy as a whole turn economic
inputs such as human capital, physical capital, and
technology into output measured as GDP per capita.
Compound Growth Rate
the rate of growth when multiplied by a base that includes past GDP growth
Human Capital the accumulated skills and education of workers.
Innovation putting advances in knowledge to use in a new product or
Invention advances in knowledge.
Labor Productivity
the value of what is produced per worker, or per hour worked (sometimes called worker productivity).
Production Function the process whereby a firm turns economic inputs like labor,
machinery, and raw materials into outputs like goods and
services used by consumers.
TechnologicalChange a combination of invention—advances in knowledge—and
is the skills, methods, and processes used to achieve goals.
The words "technology" comes from two Greek words:
Techne meaning "art, skill, or cunning of hand"
Logia, a suffix meaning "the study of"
Gigging, the process of jumping from job to job or taking on multiple freelance jobs at one time, is growing in popularity, with some estimations predicting the gig economy will grow to over 40 percent of the workforce by 2020
Another impact of technology in the workplace is the ease of working consistently as a freelancer in what is known as the gig economy.
TotalFactorProductivity - this is a true measure of productivity which encompasses all the factors of the productivity equation.
Multifactor Productivity - the volume of output from a bundle of both labor and capital inputs. Estimating MFP is a complex exercise
Partial Factor Productivity- examples are capital productivity (measured as GDP per unit of capital)5 and labor productivity.