Cards (6)

  • Farm executives get complete autonomy as they have their own office, receive huge salaries.
  • Triqui pickers have to work for 14-18 hours for a minimum wage.
  • Triqui get paid based on how much they pick and if they do not meet the quota they are not paid
  • Checkers earn same as pickers, but they are white teenagers who have more freedom in the farm as they are allowed to slack off while also ridiculing the Triqui
  • Superficial suffering vs ongoing eg receptionist (Samantha) felt the cold temporarily on the farm, she diminishes as the Triqui's suffering has precedence
  • Difference in job roles: Triqui- low paid jobs and lack of job security; white people- higher in the hierarchy. Hardships; physical; oppression; exploitation- bottom groups in hierarchies.
    Symbolic violence cannot escape