Aquifers are a body of rock which holds water, which is then exploited as a resource
Porosity is the measure of the proportion of a rocks volume that is space and could therfore hold water
Permeability is the measure of ease with which fluids can flow through rock, this is interconnected to space and size
Aquifer recharge involves man-made and natural processes which are enhanced by humans that recharge water underground
Most aquifers recharge when recipitatoon falls and infiltrates and percolate through soil and rock
Ancient aquifers are saline, causing soil to get saline, this causes osmotic dehydration and the death of crops
Over exploited aquifers can be because of ecological impacts, saltwater incursion, subsidence and reduced supplies
Incursion js the movement of saline water into freshwater aquifers due to water tables lowering, reducing pressure and pulling seawater into aquifers
I love you :)
P.S I wanna hold you like an aquifer holds water (Environmental Science rizz)
The rock below the water - bearing rock must be impermeable to prevent escape of water, such as granite and clay.
some of the rock above the aquifer must be permeable to allow recharge of the aquifer
Natural amount of water in a aquifer is in a state of dynamic equilibrium of the natural inflow or recharge of water into the aquifer and that that flows out
Over exploited aquifers change surface hydrology: if gRound water is over exploited then the water table may be lowered, reducing or stopping the outflow of water into the wetland causing it to dry up
If the water table is lowered then plants with a higher water requirement will die or become less abundant as they fail to compete with better adapted species
in coastal areas the water table may be slightly higher than the sea level, as rainwater percolates down to the aquifer, water flows sideways and it into the sea. this prevents seawater flowing in
aquifer water levels can be monitored by checking the level of the water table in wells or boreholes but this is very slow and difficult to coordinate on a large scale
NASA operates two GRACE (gravity recovery and climate experiment) their orbit is affected by the force of gravity which is influenced by the mass of water in aquifers