
Cards (9)

  • Aquifers are a body of rock which holds water, which is then exploited as a resource
  • Porosity is the measure of the proportion of a rocks volume that is space and could therfore hold water
  • Permeability is the measure of ease with which fluids can flow through rock, this is interconnected to space and size
  • Aquifer recharge involves man-made and natural processes which are enhanced by humans that recharge water underground
  • Most aquifers recharge when recipitatoon falls and infiltrates and percolate through soil and rock
  • Ancient aquifers are saline, causing soil to get saline, this causes osmotic dehydration and the death of crops
  • Over exploited aquifers can be because of ecological impacts, saltwater incursion, subsidence and reduced supplies
  • Incursion js the movement of saline water into freshwater aquifers due to water tables lowering, reducing pressure and pulling seawater into aquifers
  • I love you :)
    P.S I wanna hold you like an aquifer holds water (Environmental Science rizz)