The SI unit for length is metre (m), for mass is kilogram (kg), for time is second (s), for force is newton (N), for energy is joule (J), for power is watt (W).
The multiplication factor for giga (G) is 10^9, mega (M) is 10^6, kilo (k) is 10^3, centi (c) is 10^-2, milli (m) is 10^-3, micro () is 10^-6, nano (n) is 10^-9.
To calculate the gradient of any straight line graph, divide the change in y by the change in x. To do this, you will need to draw a triangle (to increase accuracy, make sure the triangle is big)
In a collision between two objects, the momentum of the whole system before the collision is equal to the totalmomentum of the wholesystem after the collision.
In a collision between two objects, because momentum is conserved, the change in momentum of one object must be equal and opposite to the change in momentum of the other object.
We can use momentum to find the (average) force that one object exerts on an other during a collision because the force is equal to the changeinmomentum divided by the collisiontime.
The two objects must exert equal (and opposite) forces on each other (Newton’s Third Law) because they experience the same change in momentum and the same collisiontime.
An object will move in a circular path at constant speed when the acceleratingforce is perpendicular to the direction of motion (the direction of the velocity).
Safety features such as crumplezones and airbags are designed to increase the decelerationtime so that the size of the deceleration is reduced, which means that the damaging force is reduced (as F = ma ).
The braking distance (d) can be calculated if you know the braking force (F) and the mass (m) and velocity (v) of the car. The loss in kinetic energy is equal to the workdone by the braking force.
The braking distance is proportional to the velocity squared, meaning if you are driving twice as fast, your braking distance will be four times greater.
You can measure someone’s reaction time by getting them to catch a ruler which you hold vertically just above their thumb and forefinger and then release unexpectedly.
The stopping distance is affected by the mass of the vehicle, the speed of the vehicle, the state of the vehicle’s brakes, the state of the road, the amount of friction between the tyres and the roadsurface, and the driver’s reactiontime.
During the driver’s thinking time, the car is travelling at constantspeed so the thinking distance is equal to the speed of the vehicle multiplied by the reactiontime.