good quality water: EC = 0.75 mS/cm and sodium absorption ratio is 5
Water with high sodium can negatively affect properties of media
Hard water leaves scale and clogs mist nozzles
pH of 5.5-7 is the best for most plants growth
Watering options:
hand watering with rose-style nozzle
overhead sprinkler for nursery containers
sprinkler irrigation for greenhouse containers
automated irrigation triggered by a switch that turns on water as plants pass on an overhead conveyer belt
Smart booms have controllers to schedule misting
Microirrigation systems for container-grown plants can efficiently irrigate container plants with less water then overhead irrigation systems
Subirrigation systems:
ebb and flood system
capillary mat system
Ebb and flood system: bench is flooded with water/fertilizer for a predetermined time before water is drained into the retainer tank
Capillary mat system: the floor or benchtop is covered with a water-retaining mat that is periodically wetted
Fog systems work by maintaining high humidity in the greenhouse
Fogging systems generate small water droplets that stay suspended in the air
Fogging doesn't wet the leaves as much as misting
Temperature is important for germination and root initiation
seed stratification: seed dormancy is broken in some woody speciesby cool-moist stratification conditions that allow germination tooccur
Heating mats can be used for seed germination and root initiation
grafting heating devices are sometimes placed at the graftingunion area to speed up the healing process or union formation, whilethe rest of the rootstock is kept dormant
For adventitious root formation, germination of seeds and plugdevelopment, oxygen must be available as high respiration rates occur
Impervious seed coats reduce germination in seeds due to failure ofgases to penetrate into the seed
During propagation in enclosed propagation structures eg.Greenhouses, ambient carbon dioxide levels can drop to belowoptimal levels thereby reducing the photosynthetic rates
Ethylene gas (C2H4) can build up in the greenhouse, or in storage ofpropagules thereby resulting in deleterious conditions
Phosphorus is used for good root establishment
fertigation: the application of soluble fertilizer during the irrigation of a seedling or rooted cutting
Structures used to germinate seeds or to root cuttings or tissue culture microplants:
modified quonset
micropropagation lab
Structures used as preparation to transplant outdoors:
cold frames
lath houses
low polyethylene tunnels
gas fired infrared heaters: radiant heaters that heat plants rather than the air
root zone heating: pipes are placed with recirculating hot water on or below the soil surface which hastens the germination of seeds
solar heating: conserves daytime solar heat for night heating
pad and fan system: reduces air temperature by raising the humidity and circulating the air, wet pad is installed and one side with large exhausts on the other
Fog method of cooling can introduce pathogens
thermal and shade curtains: reduce heat loss during the winter and heat stress during the summer
Black mesh fabric is used to reduce light irradiance and heat load