KIN 370 Notes

Cards (80)

  • Biomechanics is the meaning life and study of actions of foces
  • Dynamics study of systems that accelerate
  • Kinesiology is the study of human movement
  • Kinetics is the study of forces with motion
  • Sports medicine is the umbrella term that encompasses both clinical and scientific aspects of exercise and sport
  • Biomechanists improve technique and prevent injury
  • Qualitative is a description of quality with the use of number and quantitative involves description without numbers
  • Qualitative information is used by clinicians and coaches while quantitative is used by researchers
  • General motion is a combination of linear and angular
  • linear motion is the movement along a line that may be straight or curved but moves in the same direction and speed
  • Angular motion is rotation around a central imaginary line
  • Mechanical system is an arm when throwing or a body when running
  • Extension begins in anatomical position and moves in opposite direction
  • Hyperextension is excessive movement of a joint beyond normal extension
  • Frontal axis is perpendicular to sagittal plane while sagittal axis is perpendicular to frontal plane
  • The three dimension cartesian coordinate system x is anterior, y is medial, and z is vertical
  • The two dimension cartesian coordinate system x is horizontal and y is vertical
  • Newtons first law of motion every object will remain at rest or in motion unless acted on by outside force
  • Newtons second law of motion is acceleration of an object is directly related to forced and inversely related to mass
  • Newtons third law of motion for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
  • Mass is quantity of matter an object contains while force is the push or pull acting on a body
  • Free body diagram is a sketch that shows a defined system in isolation with all force acting on a system
  • Center of gravity is a unique point around which the bodies mass is equally distributed
  • Base of support is the two dimensional area that includes the part of the body in contact with the ground
  • Line of gravity is the imaginary line running through the center of gravity towards Earths surface
  • Stability is the resistance to disruption of equilibrium
  • Increase body mass, amount of friction, and base of support
  • Balance is a persons ability to control equilibrium
  • Weight is the amount of gravitational force that exerts on a body
  • Torque is the rotational effect of a force or moment arm
  • Mechanical advantage is the ratio of moment arm of force to the moment arm of the resistance
  • First class lever is the fulcrum between resistance and force arm
  • Second class lever is resistance between fulcrum and force arm
  • Third class lever is force between fulcrum and resistance
  • Stress is created by force inversely related to the size of the area over which force is spread
  • Deformation is the change in shape, stiffness, elasticity, bones, and ligaments
  • Load-deformation curve is demonstrated tissue will respond based on how much force is replied
  • Osteocytes is the structural building blocks of bone
  • Osteoblasts build new bone while osteoclasts reabsorb bone tissue
  • Bones are made up of collagen, water, calcium phosphate, and calcium carbonate