brain anatomy

Cards (34)

  • Some animals are radially symmetrical, built around a tire, and others are bilaterally symmetrical, with a clear right side and a left side.
  • In simple animals, the motor loop consists of sensory information, integration, decision making, and motor output.
  • The closer a function is to the spinal cord, the more basic it is.
  • The cerebrum is the upper portion of the brain, also known as the cerebral cortex.
  • The cerebellum coordinates, motor control, and motor memory.
  • The temporal lobe is responsible for language, hearing, and memories.
  • The brain has more neurons and sensory information coming in from the fingers than from the back.
  • The hypothalamus maintains homeostasis.
  • The brainstem maintains breathing, heart rate, digestion, swallowing, and sorts information going up and down.
  • The posterior pituitary is located below the hypothalamus.
  • The corpus callosum allows our hemispheres to connect.
  • The basal ganglia are located below the cerebrum and are important in motor control.
  • The somatosensory cortex takes in sensory information and makes sense of it.
  • The occipital lobe is responsible for vision.
  • The thalamus sorts information as it moves up to the upper parts of the cerebrum.
  • The motor cortex sends information out.
  • The thalamus, located right on top of the brainstem, is responsible for sorting data and sending it where it needs to go.
  • The cerebrum, which is the dominant upper portion of the brain, is responsible for integration.
  • The cerebellum, located at the back of the head, is responsible for motor control.
  • The hypothalamus, located right above the roof of the mouth, is responsible for maintaining body temperature, osmolarity, and circadian rhythms.
  • The frontal lobe, located at the front of the brain, is responsible for executive function and emotional control.
  • The basal ganglia, located below the cerebral cortex, is a collection of nuclei, or clusters of neurons, that control motor control.
  • The brainstem is important in routing sensory information and motor nerves going out.
  • The cerebrum is divided into two hemispheres, connected by the corpus collosum.
  • The temporal lobe, located at the side of the brain, is responsible for language, hearing, and memory.
  • The brainstem is broken down into three individual structures: the medulla oblongata, the pons, and the midbrain.
  • The parietal lobe, located at the back of the brain, is responsible for sensation and reacting to the environment.
  • The posterior pituitary, which is technically part of the brain, is responsible for sending off hormones.
  • The occipital lobe, located at the back of the brain, is responsible for vision.
  • The brainstem is responsible for keeping basic needs such as breathing, circulation, digestion, and swallowing going.
  • The somatosensory cortex, located in the parietal zone, is where sensory information enters the brain.
  • The motor cortex, located in the parietal zone, is where motor output leaves the brain.
  • The cerebral cortex, which makes up about 80 percent of the brain, is divided into four lobes: the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, and temporal lobe.
  • The cerebrum is responsible for functions such as mathematical reasoning and logic, which are typically associated with the left hemisphere, and facial recognition, which is typically associated with the right hemisphere.