an example of TCS is anaerobic respiration (PhoR/PhoP system regulates expression of genes required for phosphate uptake)
PhoR HK is off when phosphate bound
PhoR HK is on when not phosphate bound/low phosphate -> kinase domain auto phosphorylates -> transfer P to PhoP RR to become TF then turn on res ABCDE operon
PhoR/PhoP system regulates expression of genes required for phosphate uptake
ResD/ResE system regulates expression of genes required for anaerobic respiration, senses low oxygen
an example of TCS is anaerobic respiration (ResD/ResE system regulates expression of genes required for anaerobic respiration, senses low oxygen)
phosphorylated PhoP RR/TF turns on res ABCDE
res ABC are genes responsible for anaerobic respiration (make ATP)
res DE form another TCS:
resE -> HK sensor
resD -> RR, when phosphorylated it becomes TF and turns on phoR and phoP genes ==> positive feedback loop!