Sentence - the word/phrases that expresses a complete idea/thought.
Punctuations - These are marks used to clarify meaning by indicating the separation of words into sentences, clauses, and phrases.
Sentence - refers to the set of words or phrases that expresses a complete idea or taught.
Organization means the writer must consciously arrange and classify ideas to achieve logical and clear writing.
Organization - It constitutes proper paragraphing and logical presentation of ideas.
three parts of the organization:
The Topic Sentence
The Body
The Closing Sentence
Deductive Organization - starts with the general idea branching out to the specific ideas.
InductiveOrganization - must start with the specific ideas leading to the general idea.
Listing ofIdeas/Brainstorming - simply an enumeration of ideas that directly or indirectly refer to the specific topic.
Graphic Organizers - help writers to visually map written ideas and plot them so it will be easier to create and observe relationships.
Types of Graphic Organizers:
Organizational Chart
Venn Diagram
Outlining - contains the main points of what you are writing about. Like brainstorming, an outline is an enumerated list of writing ideas.
TopicOutline - words and phrases only.
Sentence Outline - composed of complete simple sentences.
Coherence - refers to how the ideas are logically arranged. It is essential to arrange ideas logically for your readers to follow what you want to say in writing.
Cohesion - refers to the smooth transition among the ideas represented in the sentences and paragraphs, facilitated by the grammatically correct connections within and among sentences.