Art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, coming from the Latin word "ars" which means a "craft or specialized form or skill".
In Medieval Latin, "ars" meant "any special form of book-learning such as grammar or logic, magic and astrology".
Art is universal, crafted by all people regardless of origin, time, place and that it stayed on because it is liked and enjoyed by people continuously.
The two Greekepics, the Illiad and the Odyssey, and the Sanskrit pieces Mahabharata and Ramayana, are purportedly written before the beginning of recorded history.
Art is not nature, it is man’s expression of his reception of nature.
Art is man’s way of interpreting nature.
Art is not nature, it is made by man, whereas nature is a given around us.
Well and Grinding Wheel in the Forest of the Chateau Noir" by Paul Cezanne is an example of art.