Unit 7 of the AP Environmental Science exam covers air pollution, also known as atmospheric pollution.
Pollution is a vague idea, while pollutants are specific things.
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Unit 7 of the AP Environmental Science exam covers atmospheric pollution, also known as air pollution.
NOx and SO2 bind with VOCs to form a class of compounds called photochemical oxidants, contributing to the formation of photochemical smog.
O2 is primarily released by coal combustion for electricity generation and contributes to acid rain and irritates the human respiratory system.
In a thermal inversion, a cold air mass moves in quickly and traps a less dense air mass of warm air above it, causing pollutants to be trapped near the surface.
Photochemical smog damages plant tissue, reduces the rate of photosynthesis, and can irritate human respiratory systems.
NOx and SO2 are both released into the atmosphere from various sources including coal combustion, gasoline emissions, and petrochemical or plastic manufacturing industries.
NOx and SO2 both damage eyes, lungs, and contribute to acid rain.
Both NOx and SO2 contribute to acid rain and irritate the human respiratory system.
The experimental design FRQ on the AP Environmental Science exam requires students to design an experiment and answer questions about it.
The AP Environmental Science exam has 80 multiple-choice questions in 90 minutes, which is 60% of the overall score.
The AP Environmental Science exam has three FRQs, which students have 70 minutes to write, making up 40% of the overall score.
The dependent variable in an experiment is measured by a specific method, such as measuring primary productivity in kilograms of carbon biomass added per square meter per year.
An experiment can be repeated in a different biome, such as a tropical rainforest instead of a temperate broadleaf forest, to compare results between biomes.
In an experiment, it is important to have at least three groups, one control and two experimental, and to specify how the independent variable is changed in those experimental groups.
To describe the results of an experiment, it is necessary to explain how a change would alter the results.
Changes to the experimental procedure, such as adding crushed limestone to buffer the pH results or altering the temperature of tanks to alter carbon dioxide movement, are examples of changes that can be made to an experiment.
The 2020 AP Environmental Science exam was open book, open note, while the 2021 exam will not be.
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are indoor air pollutants that can come from everyday household cleaners or furniture adhesive.
Thermal inversions occur when a cold air mass moves in and traps pollutants near earth, forming a blanket that insulates and keeps pollutants close to earth.
Indoor air pollutants are pollutants that form indoors and can be common everyday things or serious carcinogenic substances.
Radon gas is a serious indoor air pollutant that can trigger the development of cancer, especially lung cancer, and it comes from the radioactive decay of uranium.
Asbestos is a serious indoor air pollutant that comes from old insulation and can cause cancer when inhaled.
Particulate matter is an indoor air pollutant that can be anything from dust, mold, or pollen, which can irritate the respiratory system and worsen asthma.
Carbon monoxide is an indoor air pollutant that comes from incomplete combustion, such as natural gas in a furnace or indoor biomass.
The AP Environmental Science exam has a frq task verb sheet, which is helpful in understanding the different types of questions.
Acid rain is formed when nitrogen oxides (NO2) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) combine with oxygen and water in the atmosphere, forming nitric acid (HNO3) and sulfuric acid (H2SO4).
Lowering the burn temperature in a coal-fired power plant lowers the amount of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulfur oxides (SO2) emitted.
Fluidized bed combustion is a method where air is bubbled into crushed up coal, and limestone can be added to trap sulfur dioxide.
Acidity is a measure of hydrogen ions (H+) concentration, and higher H+ ion concentration in soil can displace other positively charged macronutrients like calcium or magnesium, making plants more susceptible to diseases and leeching nutrients they need out of the soil.
Sulfur dioxide can be converted to a different chemical compound that stays in the tube.
Acidic rain water can damage plants roots, make them more susceptible to diseases, and leech nutrients they need out of the soil, making them unable to grow and repair their tissues and make new leaves and fruit.
Not all frq points on the AP Environmental Science exam are equal, they're all worth one point, but some questions are easier to earn than others.
When designing an experiment, it's important to identify the variables, such as independent and dependent variables, and the type of experiment, such as experimental or observational.
The final resource in the link tree is a one-page topic cheat sheet, created by a teacher on Facebook, which provides a quick reference for remembering course concepts.
The link tree provides resources to study for the exam, including a schedule, mini-FRQs, keys, topic videos, exam review packets, and more.
The exam review packets for each unit contain study resources, including practice tests, flashcards>
The topic videos provide a comprehensive overview of the course topics.