Core Competencies

Cards (15)

  • What are all of the Core Competencies?
    Opportunity Seeking & Initiative, Persistence, Fulfilling Commitments, Demand for quality and efficiency, Taking Calculated Risks, Goal-Setting, Information Seeking, Systematic Planning & Monitoring, Persuasion & Networking, Independence & Self-confidence
  • What core competencies are in the 1st Cluster (Achieving Behaviors)?
    Opportunity seeking and initiativePersistenceFulfilling CommitmentsDemand for Quality and efficiencyTaking Calculated Risks
  • What core competencies are in the 2nd Cluster (Planning Behavior)?
    GoalsettingInformation seekingSystematic Planning and Monitoring
  • What core competencies are in the 3rd Cluster (Power Behavior)?
    Persuasion and networkingIndependence and self-confidence
  • What are the three clusters?
    1st Cluster: Achieving Behavior, 2nd Cluster: Planning Behavior, 3rd Cluster: Power Behavior
  • Opportunity-seeking and initiative: An entrepreneur is someone who SEEKS OPPORTUNITIES and TAKES THE INITIATIVE to transform these opportunities into profitable business situations.
  • Persistence: An entrepreneur has the DETERMINATION TO PERSEVERE and an extremely strong desire to ACHIEVE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES.
  • Fulfilling of commitments: An entrepreneur always KEEP THEIR PROMISES, no matter how great the personal sacrifice is, and EXERTS EXTRAORDINARY EFFORT to complete a task or project.
  • Demand for quality and efficiency: An entrepreneur is PASSIONATE about his or her work, and obsessed by the NEED TO IMPROVE product or service quality, do something better, faster, or cheaper.
  • Taking calculated risks: An entrepreneur is willing to TAKE RISKS & TAKE ACTIONS TO CONTROL the outcomes.
  • Goal-setting: An entrepreneur SETS GOALS & OBJECTIVES that are personally meaningful and challenging, clear and specific, and measurable and time-bounded.
  • Information-seeking: An entrepreneur personally SEEKS INFORMATION from customers, suppliers, and competitors, and does personal research or consults experts for business, product, or technology development.
  • Systematic planning and monitoring: An entrepreneur PLANS IN AN ORDERLY & LOGICAL WAY, and keeps financial and business records to use them to make decisions.
  • Persuasion and networking: An entrepreneur EMPLOYS DELIBERATE STRATEGIES to INFLUENCE and PERSUADE people to follow him or her, and takes action to develop and maintain a network of business contacts.
  • Independence and self-confidence: An entrepreneur TAKES TOTAL RESPONSIBILITY for making things happen, and seeks autonomy from the rules and control of others.